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Just days after last dose of opiates. Glowing after the ibogaine reset
Ibogaine Treatment Testimonials Madera Sagrada Spain

Really pleased with the outcome everybody who I have seen so far is saying how well I look so I’m just going to thrive of this amazing energy I have at the moment and really concentrate on the reprogramming now and remap my head haha. All is good had the most amazing sleep. Hope all is fine brother and man thanks so so much Rich. My experience this time was to the moon and back a million times literally it was a once in a lifetime experience that one! Rich is the iboga king provider with all his talent and experience in the game. Rich, you’re a legend mate


Junior came to us for opiate and crack addiction. It was his third time and he really had to make it work this time. He was unable to stop his crack use before arrival so we waited 5 days to get that out of his system. We used this opportunity to really make sure his hydration was as good as it could be and we got his QTc down from 419 to 389, meaning that he was a good candidate for a full flood dose.

He arrived looking skinny, haggard and pale and left shinning with life. The photos are taken less than a week apart! He really felt that something had shifted this time. We also gave him a second medium sized dose of iboga root-bark as well as the ibogaine flood dose. We do this as it is our feeling that the ibogaine cleans you out and physically resets you as well as providing the ibogaine afterglow effects and the second voyage into the iboga realms a few days later with iboga can help any unfinished business and healing to be completed.